What is Electro homeopathy?

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What is Electro homeopathy?

On January 11, 1809, Count Caesar Mattei, the father of electropathy medicine, was born in the city of BOLONGA, Italy, know about Count Caesar Mattei, the father of electropathy, the world's only complete herbal medicine system.

Science is a continuous flow, just as development is happening every moment, in the same way new diseases are also being born.  With the arrival of mankind on the earth, many ayurvedas were also used by mankind to stay healthy.  Various developments and progress of science did not leave medical science untouched and different types of medical systems developed.  Many types of medical systems like Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Allopathy, Unani, Homeopathy, Acupressure are seen today.  If only one method was complete in itself, then today there would be no need for these different methods.  Scientists are engaged in the search for perfection.  In this sequence, Count Cesar Mattei gave birth to a medical science called electrohomeopathy, which is also known today as electropathy.

(1) Is this any Current therapy?  In which electric compresses or currents are given for treatment.

(2) It shall be a branch of Homeopathy.?

Both these assumptions are completely wrong.  It is neither a current therapy nor is it a homeopathic system of medicine.  It is a new and different medical method in itself.  In fact, the confusion is natural due to the use of the words electro and homeo here, but here both of them have been used in a different sense.

The word electro is used in the sense of electricity and in the sense of homo-similarity.  Efforts are being made to explain the term electro homoeo using the concept of homoeostasis and also from ana ions and keta ions found in current electrodes or bodies.  However, understand or explain the meaning of both the words in any way, it is certain that the words electro and homoeo have been derived from electricity and similarity, its detailed explanation is as follows:-

Electrohomeopathy is a set of 3 words :-

Electro:- Human body and vegetation have two powers given by God, first negative, second positive, they are called electricity of the body, when these positive / positive and negative / negative powers are equal in the body, it is called health  Huh.  Inequality of these powers i.e. electricity in the body is called disease.  That is, the word electro has been taken here for electricity itself and not any relation with current.

Homeo:- It is a Latin word which means equality i.e. to change any inequality into equality.  Because in this medical system the inequality/disease/disease of physical electricity is changed from the electricity of plants to equality/health/health, hence the word homeo has been used here.  That is, the word homeo has nothing to do with the homeopathic system of medicine here.

Pathy:- It means any medical system or medical science.  Overall, electropathy is that scientific medical method which teaches us to equalize/healthy/cure the unequal electricity/disease of human body with the electricity of trees and plants.

Electropathy Principles and Basis

quenching of the complexa-complexis curenter joint from the joint

Mattei said that his body and the parts of the body are all connected, so if a disease arises, it affects the whole organ.  To cure this affected organ, we have to give some combined medicine.

Impurity of Lymbh and Blood is the cause of diseases

Rase: Rakta: f Pure beings Longevity The principle of Rapanauti is prevalent in our India for many centuries.  In the body of human beings, two types of conscious liquid (blood) and rasa (Lymph) continuously travel in the body and provide life and health.  Their movement in the whole body in a pure state helps in maintaining health as well as in physical development, and their travel in the body with impurity causes disease and gives rise to physical damage.  Matti not only accepted this scientific fact, but included it in the main principles of electropathy, saying that "vitiation of Lymph and Blood is causes of diseases".

The medicinal basis of electropathy is one and only tree, plants.  ie 100% herbal

All the medicines of electropathy are made from the plant world.  Apart from this method, in other systems, medicines are manufactured by the plant world apart from mineral-salts, animals and synthetic chemicals and these drugs have many harmful and harmful effects on the human body.  But all the medicines of the only electropathy system of medicine are completely harmless due to being completely dependent on plants.  Matti had a clear thinking that our food is only plants and trees, so the treatment of diseases should also be done in these nature provided trees and plants, only then we can always keep ourselves healthy and healthy.

Why Electropathy? 

Many people ask why adopt electropathy only!  At present, many developed methods like Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy are prevalent, then why take electropathy medicines?  Friends, science is constantly in search of the best.  The last invention made by science is considered to be the best.  Electropathy is the youngest method of medical science.  So undoubtedly this method should be the best.

It was the effort of Count Caesar Matti, the father of electropathy, that how to get rid of the demerits of all the methods prevalent at that time, this idea gave birth to electropathy and Matti Sahib tried to incorporate the good qualities of the methods prevalent at that time in electropathy.  And the solution of their properties was also added with this method.  What are the advantages that show us the direction to adopt electropathy?  let's know

(1) Medicines that are given by nature, that is, not made by the external use of chemicals, metals or animals, that is, electropathy is completely natural, because the basis of all its medicines is only and only plants.  That is, electropathy is a complete herbal medical science.

(2) There should be such a holistic disease that removes diseases from the root.  That is, in electropathy, this quality is more abundant than other medical systems.

(3) With the removal of the disease from the root, those medicines do not have any side effect on any part of the body, that is, electropathy medicines are completely harmless, they do not have any side effects.

(4) Medicines should be of quick benefit, it is difficult to wait in this era of rush.

That is, electropathy medicines are very effective on new diseases, some old diseases definitely have some long therapy, which is also necessary for disease relief.

(5) It should be easy to take medicine, which can be taken easily by children, old, young people of all levels, in different stages of diseases.  That is, the medicines of electropathy are very easy to take, they can be delivered to the patient's body in the form of tablets, in liquid form, in the form of syrup, in capsule form and also with the help of injection.

(6) Least need for surgery except in emergency and accident-related situations.  That is, electropathy is capable of curing many diseases related to surgery only with the use of medicines.  Such as tonsillitis, sinusitis piles, uterine fibroid, uterine cyst, gall bladder stone, kidney stone etc.

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